Ladies, get ready to embark on an enlightening journey through the vibrant landscape of women’s health, where the intricate dance of diet, periods, and the enigmatic entity known as endometriosis takes centre stage. Our mission? To demystify the complexities, share the latest research, and sprinkle a dash of innovation.

Female friends in their 30s and 40s smiling at the camera

10 Signs Perimenopause Might Be Sneaking Up On You

At Hey Sister!, we’re all about being open and honest about where we are in our cycles. Recently, I was in a meeting when someone casually said, “Oh, I’m not in perimenopause — I’m 38, and I still ...
When They Just Don’t Get It: Educating the Clueless - Hey Sister!

When They Just Don’t Get It: Educating the Clueless

While we here at Hey Sister! are lucky and get to talk about our periods, our cycle, our pain, and our peri-menopausal symptoms with our male colleagues—and they get it, they empathise, and they u...