10 Signs Perimenopause Might Be Sneaking Up On You
At Hey Sister!, we’re all about being open and honest about where we are in our cycles. Recently, I was in a meeting when someone casually said,
“Oh, I’m not in perimenopause — I’m 38, and I still ...

Why Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms Flare Up During the Holidays (And What You Can Do About It)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year—until those holiday habits start to magnify perimenopause and menopause symptoms. With summer heat already pushing us to our limits, late nights, festive b...

Deep sleep during menopause
Dormir durante la menopausia: adiós a los movimientos bruscos y a los despertares a medianoche
Son las 3 de la mañana y estás completamente despierta... otra vez. Entre los sofocos, las piernas inquietas y una mente que no se desconecta, el "sueño profundo" puede parecer un recuerdo lejano. ...