Señoras, prepárense para embarcarse en un viaje revelador a través del vibrante panorama de la salud femenina, donde la intrincada danza de la dieta, los períodos menstruales y la enigmática entidad conocida como endometriosis ocupa un lugar central. ¿Nuestra misión? Desmitificar las complejidades, compartir las últimas investigaciones y agregar una pizca de innovación.

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it I’m currently reading The Vagina Business — and let me tell you, I’m frustrated. No, scratch that. I’m raging. How is it that for most...
Is period pain a warning sign for chronic pain? Oxford scientists investigate
chronic pain

Is period pain a warning sign for chronic pain? Oxford scientists investigate

For centuries, period pain has been dismissed as a monthly nuisance, a "normal" part of life that people who menstruate are expected to endure. But what if it’s actually an early warning sign of so...
Endometriosis demystified: what it is and why it matters

Endometriosis demystified: what it is and why it matters

Article written by Jade Walker Endometriosis is a chronic whole-body inflammatory disease that affects approximately 1 in 7 Australian women or those assigned female at birth (AFAB). Endometriosis ...
Christmas and Self-Care: How to Stay Jolly Without Losing Your Spark

Christmas and Self-Care: How to Stay Jolly Without Losing Your Spark

Because you can’t pour from an empty cup — or Santa’s sleigh, for that matter. The Christmas season is magical. Twinkling lights, festive treats, and catching up with loved ones — what’s not to lov...
Feeling Burnt Out by Christmas? Here’s Why - and What to Do
Christmas Burnout

Feeling Burnt Out by Christmas? Here’s Why - and What to Do

You’ve got the tree up, the prawns on ice, and the presents perfectly wrapped. But just as you’re about to collapse into holiday mode - bam! A scratchy throat, a pounding headache, and your body sa...
Is Dairy, Gluten, or Stress Behind Your PMS Drama? Let’s Find Out

Is Dairy, Gluten, or Stress Behind Your PMS Drama? Let’s Find Out

Dairy, Gluten, and Stress: Are They Wrecking Your PMS? In the lead-up to the silly season, we thought it’d be a great time to chat about some unexpected PMS culprits - dairy, gluten, and stress. Th...
From Couch to Christmas Cheer: Why Sarah’s Ready to Party This Holiday Season!
Gut Health and Period Pain

Del sofá a la alegría navideña: ¡Por qué Sarah está lista para festejar estas fiestas!

Ayer me encontré con mi amiga Sarah y ella me recordó exactamente por qué trabajar en Hey Sister! es la mejor experiencia de mi vida. Sarah confesó que había perdido la cuenta de todas las fiesta...
Sleeping Through Menopause: Say Goodbye to Tossing, Turning, and Midnight Wake-Ups
Deep sleep during menopause

Dormir durante la menopausia: adiós a los movimientos bruscos y a los despertares a medianoche

Son las 3 de la mañana y estás completamente despierta... otra vez. Entre los sofocos, las piernas inquietas y una mente que no se desconecta, el "sueño profundo" puede parecer un recuerdo lejano. ...
First Gynecologist Visit? No Stress! Here's What You Need to Know - Hey Sister!
gynaecologist appointment

¿Es tu primera visita al ginecólogo? ¡Sin estrés! Esto es lo que debes saber

Vale, lo entendemos. La idea de tu primera visita al ginecólogo puede resultar un poco 😬. Pero créenos, es un paso importante para cuidar tu salud y da mucho menos miedo que esas historias de te...