Señoras, prepárense para embarcarse en un viaje revelador a través del vibrante panorama de la salud femenina, donde la intrincada danza de la dieta, los períodos menstruales y la enigmática entidad conocida como endometriosis ocupa un lugar central. ¿Nuestra misión? Desmitificar las complejidades, compartir las últimas investigaciones y agregar una pizca de innovación.

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it

Medicine ignored women until the 90s — and I’m fuming about it I’m currently reading The Vagina Business — and let me tell you, I’m frustrated. No, scratch that. I’m raging. How is it that for most...
Endometriosis demystified: what it is and why it matters

Endometriosis demystified: what it is and why it matters

Article written by Jade Walker Endometriosis is a chronic whole-body inflammatory disease that affects approximately 1 in 7 Australian women or those assigned female at birth (AFAB). Endometriosis ...