Señoras, prepárense para embarcarse en un viaje revelador a través del vibrante panorama de la salud femenina, donde la intrincada danza de la dieta, los períodos menstruales y la enigmática entidad conocida como endometriosis ocupa un lugar central. ¿Nuestra misión? Desmitificar las complejidades, compartir las últimas investigaciones y agregar una pizca de innovación.

Are You Sick of Having to Lie? - Hey Sister!
Body Positivity

Are You Sick of Having to Lie?

Telling Your Friends You’re Busy When You’re Actually Laid Up on the Couch? Let’s be honest. How many times have you told your friends that you’re “too busy” to hang out when in reality, you’re cur...
How Gen Z is Breaking the Taboo - A Millennial's Perspective - Hey Sister!
Body Positivity

How Gen Z is Breaking the Taboo - A Millennial's Perspective

"I remember feeling so embarrassed when I got my first period. I hid it from everyone, even my mum." - Jade 30 As a millennial, I grew up in a world where periods were shrouded in secrecy and sha...