The Hidden Cost of Periods: $9.6 Billion in Lost Productivity

The Hidden Cost of Periods: $9.6 Billion in Lost Productivity

When They Just Don’t Get It: Educating the Clueless Reading The Hidden Cost of Periods: $9.6 Billion in Lost Productivity 3 minutes Next Free the Bleed: Breaking the Silence, Embracing Our Flow

It's time for us to get serious for a moment. The results of the Bloody Big Survey dropped last week, and we are outraged by some of the findings in this the year 2024!
One statistic that demands immediate attention is the shocking revelation that 56% of females have missed work due to their period, resulting in a staggering $9.6 billion in lost productivity annually.It's high time we address this issue head-on and advocate for period-friendly workplaces.

The Financial Impact of Periods on the Workforce

The financial implications of period-related absenteeism are immense, affecting not only individuals but also businesses and the economy at large. When over half of the menstruating workforce is missing work due to period-related issues, the ripple effect is significant:

  • Lost Productivity: When employees are absent, productivity suffers, and projects can fall behind schedule. This impacts the bottom line for companies, especially those heavily reliant on team collaboration.
  • Increased Costs: Businesses incur additional costs when they need to find temporary replacements or pay overtime to cover the work of absent employees.
  • Employee Morale and Retention: When females feel unsupported at work, it can lead to decreased morale and higher turnover rates, costing companies even more in recruitment and training.

Why Are Females Missing Work?

Several factors contribute to the high rate of period-related absenteeism:

  • Severe Symptoms: Many experience debilitating symptoms such as cramps, headaches, fatigue, and heavy bleeding, making it difficult to perform daily tasks effectively.
  • Fear of Leaks: As the survey revealed, 76.5% of females have missed sports or other activities due to the fear of leaking and staining their clothes. This fear extends to the workplace, where the pressure to maintain a professional appearance is high.
  • Lack of Access to Period Products: Inadequate access to period products in the workplace can exacerbate these fears and force individuals to stay home.
  • Stigma and Shame: Persistent stigma around menstruation can make it uncomfortable for employees to discuss their needs openly, leading to silent suffering and unnecessary absences.

How You Can Help

At Hey Sister!, we're committed to supporting initiatives that promote period equity. You can make a difference by supporting organisations like Share the Dignity. When you purchase their Bloody Good Socks, 100% of the sale price goes directly to Share the Dignity, and we offer free delivery with any Hey Sister! product purchase. Together, we can help end period poverty and create a more inclusive society.

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